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Abstract: With the development of globalization, the exchanges between Chinese and English speaking countries are becoming more and more frequent and the research of Chinese and English culture has been a hotspot. Under the guidance of the comparative way this paper tries to do some comparative study on Chinese and English surname sources and given name sources separately. According to the research, it is found that, the similarities of Chinese and English name sources result from the similar development of the societies while the different Chinese and English name sources lie in that they are affected by different histories, values and religions.  论文出自三亿论文网 http://www.eeelw.com
Key words: name sources; Chinese and English culture

1. Introduction...1
2. Literature Review..2
2.1 Name and Naming System
2.2 Related Studies
3. Comparison of Origin of Chinese and English Names..3
3.1 Comparison of Origin of Chinese and English Surname
3.1.1 Origin of Chinese Surname
3.1.2 Origin of English Surname
3.1.3 Similarities of Chinese and English Surname Sources
3.1.4 Differences of Chinese and English Surname Sources
3.2 Comparison of Origin of Chinese and English Given Names
3.2.1 Origin of Chinese Given Name
3.2.2 Origin of English Given Name
3.2.3 Similarities of Chinese and English Given Name Sources
3.2.4 Differences of Chinese and English Given Name Sources
4. Causes of Differences and Similarities Between Chinese and English Names 8
4.1Causes of Differences
4.1.1 Differences in Values
4.1.2 Differences in History
4.1.3 Differences in Religion
4.2 Causes of Similarities 5.Conclusion.9
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